Thursday, August 1, 2013

Generations of New Yorkers

The idea of generations in the same city is novel to many of us.  We are a generation of movers.  I have moved about 40 times in my life.  I have lived in 2 countries, 5 states and at least 15 cities.  While I moved a lot for the average person, it's not uncommon to move a few times in a lifetime now that we are a more mobile people.  But I was born in Southern California, my mother was born in Southern California, and my mother's father was born in Southern California.  So I do feel like a true Californian.  This idea of spending generations in the same city boggles my mind.  But it also gives one a sense of belonging and permanence that I do not understand.  It also can make doing family history a little easier.

Here is an interesting New York Times article about generations of New Yorkers and Family History.
Family Tree New York

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