Thursday, August 1, 2013

Four Generational Photo Ideas

My cousin recently did this same idea as a four generation photo.  (I am not sharing her photo because of privacy reasons.)  It was a beautiful way to get a four generation photo.  I have some from when I was a kid.

Me, my Mom, my Mom's mom, and my Grandma's mom
Johnson - Willis - Farnsworth - Loveridge

But I like the creativity of the multiple pictures.  It's a nice flair to the generational photos.  Also, my cousin held the photo of her baby at a slight angle so it stood out from the others.  It's good to capture these moments of generations for years to come.  I had the opportunity to know my great grandma and grandma for a while because I was the oldest of an oldest of an oldest, but not every grandchild has that opportunity.  It's good to have these photos and to tell family stories to keep family that have passed on alive.

Also, it's another idea of generational photos...

I like this idea, because I've come across old photos from my grandma's photo albums and the names on the back of the photo, but this helps you to see the photo and who the persons are from the front.  It's always good to think about the future and making sure that information about who people are is preserved.

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