Thursday, August 1, 2013

Decluttering and Finding Family History Gems

While on break between Summer and Fall semesters in law school.  In between my other breaks I have been scanning my grandmother on my mother's side photo albums from her whole lifetime, plus the ones she inherited.  I am finally done with the photos.  So this break I've been working on decluttering my house, in preparation for my final year of law school and in preparation for taking the bar next year.

Amanda and Anna Sten

So I hit my closet in my bedroom today to remove stuff from the top to make room to move my photo albums in there away from the sun.  Up there was my Book of Remembrance that my dad gave me YEARS ago.  I knew it was up there, but because I do all of my genealogy on the computer I hadn't looked at it in YEARS.  I thought I would double check it to see if there was anything in there I didn't have online and I found an envelope from my Great Grandma Madison (my dad's mom's mom), and she had sent me part of her life story that a friend had put together.  My great grandma passed away in 1993.  I have had this story since some time in the mid 1980s, and I'm just now fully appreciating what I have in it.

Anders Perrson (the grandfather Amanda came over to America with)
My great grandma came over from Sweden in 1912 with her grandfather, and I am sad that I didn't take the time to know her better when I had the chance.  Every year for my birthday, she'd send me a birthday card with money in it.  It's a sad story how ego-centric we are as children and can't appreciate fully what family do for us.

I have already scanned and shared with my siblings and cousins.  That's the power of digital, the ability to share, and share quickly.

Lillhardal, Sweden - Summer

Lillhardal, Sweden - Winter

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