Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Family Health History

More and more we hear about the importance of health history.  Doctors prefer to be aware of family healthy problems that they should be aware of to keep track and possibly begin to see before it's a real problem.  The following article suggests ways to gather this information.

Doctors Want You to Do Your Family History

Part of the problem is the fracturing of families.  The articles mentions the genetic services available like 23andme.  I am on the edge of doing that myself because of some family estrangement issues.  It is also rumored, highly probable, that my father's father was not his biological father.  It is only $100 to do 23andme, and I have friends that have also used the service and speak highly for its ability to direct you in health issues also.  I would suggest this style of test if you do not have access to family, because of death, estrangement, or whatever, to consider the money towards the information available in DNA testing.

It would be good to read the article in regards to what to preserve to start a family health history to pass down through descendants.

For further consideration on a family health history, please see the following articles from the familysearch blog.

Finding your family history through medical history part 1
Finding your family history through medical history part 2

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